Mr. L. Garth Kiddoe, FCA, MSc
Institute of Chartered Accountants of the Caribbean
2005 - 2007 

Garth-KiddoeUnder the leadership of L. Garth Kiddoe, the ICAC’s application to be recognized as an Acknowledged Regional Grouping of the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) was accepted and formal recognition was granted by IFAC in 2006. Consistent with this new mandate, he also advanced discussions with ACCA towards establishing a regional practice monitoring programme to assist members of ICAC who were also members of IFAC to improve their compliance with IFAC’s Statements of Member Obligations (SMOs).

A Chartered Accountant and a Professional Engineer, Mr Kiddoe, is also an Enterprise Consultant with experience in Corporate Governance, Accounting, Management, Accreditation Systems and procedures and Electrical Engineering. He is a past President of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Jamaica (ICAJ) and also the Jamaica Institution of Engineers (JIE).

Mr. Kiddoe is a former Dean of the Faculty of Business and Management (now College of Business and Management) at UTech (the University of Technology, Jamaica), where he continues to serve as a part-time lecturer in Management. He is also a former Senior Director/Chief Financial Officer of the Jamaica Public Service Company Limited (JPS).

He is currently the Vice-President of the Public Accountancy Board and Chairman of the Board of the Jamaica Central Securities Depository Ltd, a subsidiary of the Jamaica Stock Exchange (JSE). He is also Chairman of the Board of Governors of the JSE e-Learning Campus and Chairman of the Professional Engineers Registration Board. In addition, he is a deputy Chairman of the Greater Caribbean Regional Engineering Accreditation System (GCREAS), an independent accreditation agency involving engineering professionals from Panama, the Dominican Republic and Jamaica.

Mr. Kiddoe is a founding member of the Private Sector Organization of Jamaica’s (PSOJ’s) Corporate Governance Committee on which he still serves and where he is currently chairing a sub-committee responsible for developing a Corporate Governance Code for Micro, Small and Medium Sized Entities.

Consistent with his strong public service orientation, he has been serving as a Returning Officer (Electoral Commission of Jamaica) for over three decades. He is the Principal Returning Officer for Kingston and St Andrew and Chairman of the Neighborhood Watch in his community.


kalilAndrea St. Rose

ICAC President
2023 - 2025

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